LGBT National Help Center

Providing free and confidential peer support through online chat and phone hotlines for both the US and Canada
LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
LGBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743 (Youth up to 25 years old)

LGBT Online One-to-one peer support chat (all ages):

Moderated youth chatrooms (tues-fridays):

2261 Market Street, #296
San Francisco, 94114
Phone: 888-843-4564
Instagram Facebook Twitter

Ages Served: all ages
Fees: free
Hours: Monday - Friday 4pm - midnight, Sat 12pm - 5pm for phone and chats Tuesday - Friday 7pm - 10pm for youth chatrooms
Languages: English
Regions Served: All of Ontario
Type of Service: Mental Health, Phone/Chat/Text Line, Website/Online Support
Closed Identity-Specific Groups: Open to All Races, Open to All Genders and Sexualities


Physically Accessible to Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices: N/A
Accessible Washrooms: N/A
Gender-neutral Washrooms: N/A
Scent-free / Low Scent: N/A
Childcare: N/A
Food: N/A
Transit Reimbursements: N/A
Alcohol: N/A