Queer Events

QueerEvents.ca is a central portal for all 2SLBTQ+ events, resources and opportunities across Southwestern Ontario. Our programing and initiatives aim to provide safe and inclusive spaces specifically for the queer community which include Food for Queers, House of Anansi, Queer Prom for Youth, Queer Family Playtime and much more.

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Fees: Free
Languages: English
Regions Served: All of Ontario
Type of Service: Grassroots Community Group
Closed Identity-Specific Groups: Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Open to All Races, Open to All Genders and Sexualities


Physically Accessible to Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices: N/A
Accessible Washrooms: N/A
Gender-neutral Washrooms: N/A
Scent-free / Low Scent: N/A
Childcare: N/A
Food: N/A
Transit Reimbursements: N/A
Alcohol: N/A